ADUs Accessory Dwelling Units The Wave of the Future

If you haven’t heard of them yet, you will soon. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are rapidly becoming a household name in cities that allow them (i.e., Salt Lake City, North Salt Lake City, Bountiful City, Woods Cross, San Francisco, Portland, etc.) and buzzing in other cities that want them. One state that is clearly taking […]

More Remote Work Opportunities May Make Suburbs More Desirable

Three quarters of Americans working from home because of the coronavirus say they want to continue if given the option, and two-thirds say they would consider moving if given that flexibility. Larger homes with more rooms and offices could draw those less-worried about their commute out of urban cores and into the suburbs and exurbs. […]

Technology vs. People Skills: Which Real Estate Strategies Will Win?

The real estate industry caters to independent strategies. For every investor, there is another way to go about conducting business. Some may prefer to utilize the convenience of technology while others want to maintain personal relationships. However, for one reason or another, there remains a void between these two independent strategies. Smart investors will figure […]

Real Estate Investing As A Business

“Investment is most intelligent when most business like” – Warren Buffett If investing is better when conducted most business like, does it mean that more real estate investors ought to be investing in a more businesslike fashion? Should every real estate investor be investing as a business? What does that really mean? What does it look […]